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New lotion day; Mimosa & Sandalwood


This new lotion doesn't just smell amazing but the inclusion on Mimosa brings some brilliant added benefits.

So what are the additional benefits of mimosa in a beeswax lotion?

Mimosa is a exceptional ingredient to aid healing as it helps stimulate tissue repair. This in turn, means it's a great choice to tighten pores and is effective in repairing acne scars. It complements the amazing healing properties that the Beeswax & Honey bring in the base lotion to make a lotion that visibly aids healing.

Mimosa is also Anti-Bacteriostatic, this means that it's good at inhibiting bacteria protien synthesis (stops new bacteria growing).

What are the healing properties in the natural little bee base lotion

Beeswax is a wonder ingredient. It posesses anti-inflammatory properties that promote quick and effective healing. Beeswax also has alot of anti-bacterial & anti-microbial properties. We have gone a step further here and use beeswax from heather

Why is beeswax & honey from heather better?

Heather contains a naturally occuring Hydrogen peroxide (yes similar to bleech). Bees love the heather because of this. They use the naturally occuring hydrogen peroxide to make a compound which boosts the whole colonies immunity to disease, this makes a difference to how they survive over winter. Bees that do survive over winter with heather honey have a better survival rate as a consequence. For humans this has significant benefits too.

"Heather Honey has an equivilant level of anti-bacterial & anti-microbal effect to high grade Manuka"

This effect, when applied topically (on your skin) stops bacteria & microbes spreading proplems that if allowed to do so uninhibited would lead to slower healing and even infections.

Beeswax is Hydrophobic

Beeswax is Hydrophobic (allergic to water) making it a perfect ingredient for barrier creams for all skin includings sensative eczema prone skin. It is brilliant at locking in moisture and protecting you from exposure to environmental allergens. This brilliant quality makes it a pain to emulsify, Through painstaking work, we have been able to create a lotion that is both high in Beeswax & does NOT require chemical emulsifiers.

Natural little bee use a special type of emulsion

The final secret to its formula is the type of emulsion. Most large commercially made lotions use an oil in water formulation. As the water is on the outside it will quickly evaporate when it encounters warm skin. You will notice this as a cold feeling when the lotion is applied. The body reacts by closing you pores & preventing the oils and waxes in the lotion from being absorbed. When these cannot be absorbed you are left with a greasy/sticky feeling. Our lotion is formulated the other way, the oils surrounds the water. As a result, it takes a few seconds more to sink in but when it does you gain the duel benefit of the oils & the water. Beeswax & honey are humectants. A humectant is a substance that aids cells in the absorption of water to hydrate the cells. This helps to slow the breakdown of cells & keep them healthy. It also helps reduce redness & stop itching and irritated skin. This humectant property alongside the anti-bacterial, microbial & fungal properties of honey & beeswax mean that skin conditions are slowed down and allowed to heal.

So what does mimosa bring to the party

Mimosa gives you more. It enhances the anti bacterial effect in a slightly different way. The beeswax & honey are great at killing bacteria. The anti-bacteriostetic effects of the mimosa mean that it prevents new bacteria from growing this two pronged approach means that you get the very best in infection prevention

Mimosa tighens pores and reduces scaring inculding acne scaring

The mimosa is great at helping the skin to repair and tighten giving a smoother and more even complexion.

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